The tumour suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is a key component that drives colorectal carci-nogenesis. The reported DNA methylation in the promoter of APC varies greatly among studies of colorectal cancer (CRC) in different populations. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7), also known as IGFBP-related protein 1 (IGFBP-rP1), is expressed in various tissue types, including the lung, brain, prostate and gastrointestinal tract, and has been suggested to play a tumour suppressor role against colorectal carcinogenesis. Studies have indicated that IGFBP7 is inacti-vated by DNA methylation in human colon, lung and breast cancer. In the present study, we used the methylation‑specific polymerase chain reaction to study the methylation status of the APC and IGFBP7 gene promoters in cancerous and paired normal tissue to evaluate its impact on clinical factors and association with ethnicity, represented by Swedish and Vietnamese CRC patients. We also investigated the distri-bution of CpG islands and the CpG dinucleotide density of each CpG island in the regions which were the subject of our investigation. Overall, normal tissue from Swedish patients exhibited a significantly higher frequency of IGFBP7 gene methylation in comparison with that of Vietnamese patients. Moreover, a significantly higher number of cancer tissues from Vietnamese individuals showed higher levels of methylation versus the paired normal tissue compared with that of Swedish patients. When we studied the methylation in cancer compared with the matched normal tissue in individuals, we found that a significantly higher number of Vietnamese patients had a higher degree of IGFBP7 gene methylation in cancer versus matched normal tissue in comparison with Swedish patients. Taken together, our results suggest that the methylation of the APC and IGFBP7 gene promoter region in cancerous tissue, in combination with the predominance of methylation in normal tissue, may serve as a prognostic factor in CRC patients
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