A pilot plant combining dissolved airflotation, anaerobic degradation in an expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor and aerobic post-treatment in a verticalflow constructed wetland has been used to treat tapioca starch wastewater for more than 2.25 years. It is demonstrated that organic matter (chemical oxygen demand by>98%), nitrogen (Kjeldahl-N by>90%) and cyanide (total cyanide by>99%) can be removed very efficiently under stable operating conditions. The removal efficiency for phosphorus is lower (total-P by 50%). The treatment concept, which includes several sustainable aspects, e.g. production of energy to be used on-site, low operation demands and minimal use of chemicals, could be interesting for small- and middle-sized tapioca processing plants
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An investigation into the gap between teachers’ teaching styles and learners’ Learning styles at school of foreign languages, Thai nguyen university = Tìm hiểu khoảng trống trong phong cách giảng dậy của giảng viên và phong cách học tập của sinh viên tại khoa ngoại ngữ, Đại học Thái Nguyên .M.A. Thesis. Khoa học giáo dục: 601401
Lê triều Trung hưng công nghiệp thực lục 黎朝帝王中興功業實錄 Bản chép tay, tổng cộng 91 trang, do Đặng Phùng Xuân viết. Sách được soạn năm Vĩnh Tr...
This study has been carried out on the optical properties of polyvinyl-pyrrolidone (PVP), the energy transition process in nanocomposite of ...
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